Category: // \\ PROJECTS


Das HZT Berlin freut sich auf April… Wir lieben den Monat. Wir werden ihn verschlingen mit Haut und Haar. Wir werden dazu tanzen. Wir werden feiern, Stücke zeigen, Bäume pflanzen – und wir laden euch herzlich ein, dabei zu sein! Haltet euch auf dem Laufenden und eure Kalender vom 7. bis zum 24. April frei. …

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as part of the WORKSHOP: CAPTURE YOUR MUSCLES / Performances&Talks Transmediale 2015 Reversing the traditional concept of humans on top of machines, making us loose control, feeling captured. Building simple electrical muscle stimulation units using open source electronics (arduino) and connecting them to performance sketches. Workshop lead by Pedro Lopes.   SUPER MARIO CONCEPT / …

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CASA MARZIANO presents ORBIS TERTIUS Eine choreografierte Klang-Reise durch das Aufbau Haus am Moritzplatz. A choreographic sound walk through the Aufbau Haus building on Moritzplatz. ORBIS TERTIUS –  ist eine „Kunst der Anordnung“ einer Konspiration von Künstlern unter Leitung von Matteo Marziano Graziano (Choreograf/Filmemacher) und frei inspiriert durch die Kurzgeschichte: Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius vom …

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CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMANCE Katharina Greimel & Marc Philipp Gabriel Thanks to: Alice Chauchat, Shannon Cooney Sie verdrehten einander die Köpfe auf Augenhöhe. THURSDAY 24 APR 2014 / 21:00h // IN ZUCHT / BA Festival / @ Uferstudios Studio 14 / HZT Berlin.


CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMANCE Liselotte Singer & Marc Philipp Gabriel Weil wir uns gerne haben. From dance into combat, we play with triggers of different forms of excitement (intimacy, grace, exaltation, fever, violence) that we get caught in and transmit out. As a movement entity we are in a relationship of constant negotiation on physical and …

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space agency

Voice training for SPACE AGENCY by Fleur Khani “Space Agency is a choreographic piece for a choir. The performers activate the space around them through text and music. The audience is absorbed in the displacements in the space and the descriptions of houses, rooms, walls, objects, odours, colours, sensations … These spaces of daydreams become …

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Linhas Imponderáveis


Arte de representar na pele a configuração de um espaço interno com todos os seus acidentes.O corpo enquanto hospedeiro do caos, onde habita? O fenómeno da assimilação/apropriação involuntária das acções envolventes e a observação do processo de gestação das mesmas. Um trabalho da Rita Vilhena e Raquel Mendes em colaboração com Marc P. Gabriel. Dec …

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every one everyone


  Every One Everyone began as a personal process of exploration, a series of studio meetings with people joining me in an experiment: receiving a physical impulse from my body, allowing themselves to be swayed in their perceived craniosacral rhythm. With always more then two people present in each studio encounter, participants were than asked …

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26 + 27 OCT 2013 // with Jenni Ramsperger / HZT Berlin / @ Uferstudios Studio 14   Tanz: Simone Detig, Parwanhe Frei, Susanne Mayer und Annegret Schalke Musikdramaturgie: Marc P. Gabriel Produktionsassistenz: Paula Führer Choreografie: Jenni Ramsperger Zelten bedeutet unterwegs sein und draußen wohnen, seine Heringe in den Boden stechen, sein Lager im Freien aufschlagen und den Standort …

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SMLXL – Uferfenster

Gabriel M. Philipps / Marc Philipp Gabriel: SMLXL – Uferfenster Installation Why is this place called Uferstudios and what does AUSUFERN mean? Why can I not see through walls? What if I could? And if I can, what do I see behind? Come and see through the walls of Uferstudios! Discover the beautiful riverbanks and …

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